Relaunch of 's next Chapter

Well over a year ago, my good friends Sue and Mike Sullivan decided to refocus their attention from running a successful Outdoor Sales Agency to other pursuits. The Outdoor Sales agency Pearlfrog transitioned to new ownership into the capable hands of a current partner and a new partner that joined the team. Considering how these things Can go, it seems to have gone well for all parties. A new rebranded agency was born known now as the High Plains Outdoor Group.

While the agency business went to the new group, the Pearlfrog name stayed with Sue and Mike. There’s a rich history behind the name (another story to read) and by gosh, it was going to stay with Sue and Mike. Sue’s chapter has turned or forked towards her art. You see, Sue is an accomplished textile artist with a body of work that should be shared. Wants to be shared. This is a chapter that started many years ago but just in recent years garnered more attention and enjoyment for Sue. When approached with what to do next with, I brainstormed with Sue and Mike and the next iteration of was born of it. Please take a look at some of that journey that is showcased in the new .


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